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Turbo Tax

Tax prep discounts + a chance to win $10,000!

March into Spring

Certificate Special! 4.17% APY for 13 months

Online Fraud Center

Protect yourself from ID theft and these latest scams

Credit Cards

Two great card options with no annual or balance transfer fees

Southwest Financial offers a wide variety of convenient services and resources to simplify your finances.


Use our calculators to research loan payment amounts, mortgage costs, investment values and more!

Easy FAQs

You have questions, and we have answers! Find explanations, instructions and solutions.

Forms & Apps

Trying to become a member? Need to skip a loan payment? No matter what you need, this is your destination! Find the forms and applications you need!

Mighty Maxx Loyalty Rewards

Our member loyalty rewards program that rewards you cash just for using our products and services.


“Thank you all for being the greatest credit union ever!! Great staff and support over 40 years of service for myself and all Kroger employees!!!”

– Shana B.

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